Well, I took the plunge and plopped down the shareware fee for Ecto 2. What is Ecto you ask? Here it is straight from the author's 'mouth' (and website http://ecto.kung-foo.tv/):
Ecto is a feature-rich desktop blogging client for MacOSX and Windows, supporting a wide range of weblog systems, such as Blogger, Blojsom, Drupal, MovableType, Nucleus, TypePad, WordPress, and more.
With ecto you can write and manage entries for your weblog(s). The advantage over using your weblog's control panel is that you can compose entries offline and use the extra features ecto offers, such as spellcheck, creating links, attachments, and much more. ecto is designed to make blogging much more easier and yet give the users as much power as possible to manage their weblogs.
I've been using it for two weeks to write this blog, and let me tell you, it is so incredibly slick and intuitive that I spend most of my time actually writing up content rather than fiddling with tags and what not. Combined with Typepad, it makes blogging a breeze. I'll stop soap-boxing now, still recovering from Turkey Thursday and it occurred to me today that Ecto really is worth it's salt. If your are new to blogging or want to try it out and your hands dirty without too much investment, go check out Ecto, and then maybe Typepad for the server end and you are on your way.
End of heaping praise.
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